being a student, Cultural Awareness: Traditional Vodou Spiritism Path

Being a Student

My inspiration this month is Shamanism… I would like to inspire you. You are the focus, you are learning, you will pay to receive and then take what you have learned and sell it. I would like to inspire you to be a different kind of student. A Shamanic student.

Being a Student

My inspiration this month is Shamanism… I would like to inspire you.

You are the focus, you are learning, you will pay to receive and then take what you have learned and sell it.

I would like to inspire you to be a different kind of student. A Shamanic student.

I became a Shamanic student in the fourth grade. Since then I have never had any Shaman at any moment or time teach me to be a student of this nature. I have never been given a lesson directly, I have never undergone any ceremony or celebration knowing fully it’s job or purpose, and I have never been given a timeframe for my teachings.

I sat silently in the corner while work was being done with no explanation for years and was expected to ask no questions. I have seen horrifyingly scary happenings and was given no reason why… I was expected to have full faith and trust at all times. I have been woken up in the middle of the night and taken out to who knows where with no reason as to why. I have had my will tested physically, emotionally, and psychically. I have undergone things I can not say for oaths I have taken.

I have loved each of my teachers dearly, feared them, and respected them. Being asked to sit silently in observation is a gift, being given the rite and passages in ceremony is a gift, and being a student means being present and awake.

See, it is not the timeframe a lesson comes to you like a clock ticking it’s way towards midnight. It is how long can you learn something over and over until you receive the real lesson.

This I will give you for free right now. The real lesson under each lesson is this, you must learn to do nothing, so you can do something right, then you must refrain from providing it, so you can see that you have the key and it is not yours to give away.

Then you must have knowledge for many years before you are given the right to apply it, if you do, it will then be taken away from you. So you can see the truth, and that is, you are of no value, the client as well, the remedy as well and then you just might learn to be a Shaman.

Unimportant, not valuable, and silently sitting. Because we walk in the other world and nothing on this plane matters.

See, to be a Shaman you are always a student, you will always be quiet, poised, and learning. If you are teaching, leading, selling, and preaching, without being humble and under your teacher, we know you do not know the heart of the Mystery and therefore we know that you can not heal. In order to heal someone you must walk in the other realms taking this one as very unimportant.

Many Blessings and Love to my Teacher

Picture of About Mambo Shoshana
About Mambo Shoshana

With power, beauty, and abundance

Priestess Shoshana, CEO of Spiritual teachers Voodoo and Temple de la Luna, Spirit Worker, Instructor, Psychic, Healer, Herbalist, Author

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