Unlocking the Sacred Power of Love in Vodou: Lessons from the Lwa

Unlocking the Sacred Power of Love in Vodou: Lessons from the Lwa

In Vodou, love is far more than an emotion or fleeting desire. Let’s together unlock the sacred power of love in Vodou and review lessons from the Lwa. Lwa is a sacred force, a divine connection woven into the fabric of existence. From the perspective of the Lwa, the spirits that guide and protect us, love […]

Witch Perspective on the Wicked Movie

Wicked the movie

The very popular Wicked movie has been creating a buzz. But what is a witch perspective on the Wicked Movie? Below you’ll find the opinion of Priestess Shoshana, a CEO of Spiritual Teachers Voodoo and Temple de la Luna, Spirit Worker, Instructor, Psychic, Healer, Herbalist, Author. Witch Perspective on the Wicked Movie – What I […]