Women in Spiritual Evolution
If evolution is a slow process regarding circumstances in nature coupled from time to time with an unpredictable leap moving humanity forward, then it can be safely said that women have and will have specific developments onto themselves.
These unpredictable leaps serve a purpose on a community level that is difficult to see until the leap has settled into commonality. I believe we are in the midst of a leap and women are the focal point of this evolution. For humanity to attain a radiant relationship with the universe there needs to be an awakening in relationship with the feminine aspects of the universe. For thousands of years spiritual development has centered around the Divine masculine. Currently the Divine feminine is being captured inside of the religions of old as an important and vital component to the development of Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, and so on, and their personal awakenings. Reducing the Divine feminine to a “counterpart” or “support” encourages the original annihilation of our relationship with the Divine feminine, and that is the belief that women are most spiritually connected when they experience unconditional love and care for others.
This is what we developed for survival needs and the next leap in evolution for humanity will be from this caretaking role into something completely new. This is how our neurological reactions and hormonal impulses have trapped us inside a paradigm where the masculine divinity developed, as women centered themselves on the tribe and keeping equilibrium within.
Because the central nervous system and hormonal reactions dominate the experience, women need to begin clearing the reactionary impulses for safety in order to evolve. Our emotional body is the beginning of our personal awakening, yet this emotional awakening needs to be specific and unique from any other path; because each path in existence was created to ensure the safety of the tribe and therefore masculine-based enlightenment. For us to evolve we must reach further into both the past and into the uncreated future for our expansion, In other words, pre-Christian societies for archeological evidence of the female Divine. But not to rely on the scientific evidence to try to recreate what we think the Divine feminine was. We need to emerge into the new expression in this time for it to be authentic and also totally new. A new paradigm awaits us and women are the key!
Women and the Emotional Body
The emotional body is the energy produced by the hormonal system, the endocrine glands, and their production of hormones. Our hormonal reactions are tied to evolutionary developments to dangerous situations in the wild as well as learned responses from programming in developmental years. Because women have more of these responses due to monthly cycles, puberty, and menopause, they develop a more complex patterning in the endocrine system than men, again specific to their survival needs. Also, men’s basic hormonal reactions to stress are easier to cope with for them because of their evolutionary developments for the fight or flight response to produce adrenaline for hunting. These easy-to-cope-with reactions for men drain and eat away at a woman’s well-being. Said in another way, the stress of modern-day life for women can be overwhelming on a physical level.
If you include the evolutionary leap inside of this view of the physical body, what you will find is a need for women to evolve the way basic hormonal reactions overtake their life experiences. If women are to reach enlightenment then they need to address the basic need they have for clearing the emotional body from the past useful reactions in order to inspire a development in hormonal harmony. Spiritual pathways offer this for men but fall short for women. Rather than equalizing emotion to reach a middle point, women need to enhance their emotions to reach an evolutionary leap, first to clear them of old programming, then to enhance the pure emotion free from the fear factor and survival needs.
This enhancing of emotion will not be of chaotic emotions, but of a pure hormonal awakening. What this awakening offers in the enhancement of pure emotion is an ecstatic space of being in the body and most importantly opens the door to a vital component of women’s enlightenment, the use of her intuition.
A woman’s intuition is always working but clouded by the constant influx of lesser intelligence in the emotional body, clouded by programming. Intuition requires development, clearing must take place first, then an education in the workings of this powerful and natural gift. When intuition is developed a woman can bypass most hormonal reactions because she finds safety within. This is a level of wisdom and women are not truly adults until they can understand, clearly, and have correct and accurate use of this force within. This sets the stage for an evolutionary leap.
Women’s Manifestation and Creation
Working in tandem with the hormones is the nervous system. Together they create homeostasis. Homeostasis is the communication between organs. The endocrine glands produce hormones, hormones create communication between organs. The purpose of the nervous system is to produce the reaction in the skeletal muscular system and organs from the communication by the hormones. You can try to change your beliefs all day, but until your body knows how to change these functions you will react. Meditation is one of the best ways to focus intention deep enough for the body to listen to a new communication beyond electrical impulses.
Think of the nervous system as an electrical current manufacturing impulse for you to react, this system is so intelligent that it works on levels your mind can consciously barely reach. The nervous system knows the totality of your life’s experience. Your brain allows you to remember a slight fraction of what you really know. This is where the intuition comes in. Intuition is the access to this mainframe in your body and its deep well of wisdom. The reason new experiences enhance your intuitive capabilities is because your nervous system opens to entirely unused neurological pathways of previously stored information and the whole body awakens to the experience of something new.
This well of knowledge can be tapped deeply by women who have cleared their emotional bodies first to a point where it will not interfere with this communication. The emotions interfere with the old programming and patterning. Intuition is deeper than emotion and accessing intuition requires learning how to communicate with this neurological mainframe. When one can communicate with this internal wisdom, shifting life from hormonal, neurological survival into creation becomes possible.
This is our ability to manifest and attract. The body wants to create and, when a woman can access true guidance from within, a woman feels the magic of creative new energy run through her, and she feels it ecstatically because all the emotions are awake. This ecstasy is clearly distinct from reactionary impulse.
This is the secret to manifestation for women. When an intention is combined with intuition, it unfolds into reality because the energy of the nervous system is the electromagnetic filed. This field has the magnetic capabilities to draw in what it is aligned with. This is a real and measurable field. Women manifest first from clearing emotions and then from listening to this mainframe for guidance, the problem is, they don’t know it. The electromagnetic field also repels from it what it is not aligned on. The power to attract also is the power to repel.
Women are complicated, and aligning their intentions requires intuition. Listening to the intuition takes practice and an education in how this mainframe works. When a woman has an alignment, her whole body radiates, and she shines, effortlessly drawing in what she intends. When this process is followed, the electricity of the body is enhanced, and a woman has magnetism. This is seen as being graceful.
Sacred Feminine
After this gracefulness is achieved an evolutionary leap is possible. First, because the physical body is prepared. Second, the energy field of the endocrine system, the emotional body, is practiced in receiving new life sources and new emotions. The energy of the nervous system, the intuitive body, is practiced in manifestation and creation, so the nervous system knows it can create anything. Third, this primes the spiritual body for a radical shift. Fourth, the ego is calmed and ready for change. It knows it can survive and create beyond the normal means of the paradigm it was handed.
Reaching for this evolution requires women to go where they have not gone before, into the deep well of despair in the heart. This place is always wishing it could be healed, but women are so busy trying to fill it. The above process has eliminated much of the soot in and around the heart and now the descent to Sacred Feminine may begin.
This is a sacred process and a rite of passage into something new and ancient, untold yet known and glorified and feared. This descent is not one of intellect, but one of feeling and silence. It is a remarkable thing a woman can descend into the deep. Not the deep of suppressed emotion, this journey is a journey to the Divine. Neither lore nor myth has captured this magic, not war nor famine has cast away its power. But through thousands of years, we lost our connection and hid it where it could not be found, in the hole within the place we as women most despise. When it is found, it cannot be mistaken. It is truly yours and not of the construct or ego, and it is the beginning to a new paradigm.
This new paradigm is rising up like the crashing tides and shaken earth… our planet is shifting, women need to be moving this energy up and into creation. Men are best off supporting this path. And when women are connecting with the Female aspect of the Divine, the guidance received will be unmistakable. It will not fit into cultural beliefs and our construct as we know it will be written from the deep up, this is the unknown for humanity, the new paradigm emerging. Women are the key, this is why women must be seeking a new path to enlightenment, a new path, the path of the priestess is emerging.
Sacred Feminine is the practices and principles in the mystical aspects of womanhood.
ˈsā-krəd : dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity
\ˈfe-mə-nən\; characteristic of or appropriate or unique to women